Are you ready for a serious amount of inappropriate dancing pictures? Are you sure?
We went to Ohiopyle to visit a coffeeshop and write, and guess what? Everything was closed. Everything, of course, except the Youghiogheny River, which was open for an Inappropriate Dance Party!
Seriously, this got so bad that my husband started dancing inappropriately. Now you will all realize why I married him!
Things started out relatively normal. Just a little dancing on the rocks of the river…
And then we really broke it down… (It is important to note that there is no music anywhere around us.)
Then Michael had a solo out on one of the rocks near the water…
Then I had my solo in my FANTASTIC boots (which are +103 intellect, I might add)…
And then this happened. Really, this just had to be documented, because not only do I have degenerative disc disease in my spine (a cheery topic!), BUT I was also wearing skinny jeans. That, ladies and gentlemen, is dedication to a cause. A cause of dancing. Inappropriately. In 8 Pittsburgh locations.