The Elaborate Monthly: Filet Mignon And Curried Potatoes

Achievement: #34. Have One New Elaborate Homecooked Meal a Month

For our June dinner, we returned to the grill. We managed to snag a great deal on filet mignon at Kuhn’s, and picked up a whole bunch of it for $7.99 a pound! Honestly, I wish we’d picked up even more – a few pounds of filet mignon goes pretty fast, we learned.

Dinner in June
Since it’s summer, we decided to figure out how to perfect not only steak on the grill, but corn on the cob. The secret is to leave a single layer of husk. Here is Michael, hard at work preparing the corn.

Dinner in June
The corn takes the longest to cook, so it’s the first thing on the grill. Yum!

Dinner in June
We also roasted red potatoes on the grill, seasoned with garlic powder, curry, and rosemary.

Dinner in June
Finally, it was time to add the steaks, which Michael marinated in soy sauce, worcestershire, and ginger, with some sesame thrown in for good measure.

Dinner in June
Time to bring all the goodies inside!

Dinner in June
And then, the most difficult part of all: peeling back the single husks from the corn without burning yourself. They really hold the heat!

Dinner in June
And finally, the completed meal: a true summer delicacy. I feel like this is on the list of foods I could eat every day and not get tired of eating it.


Filed under #34, #34-11, bar food, cooking, dinner, grilling, steak

2 Responses to The Elaborate Monthly: Filet Mignon And Curried Potatoes

  1. Maisie's Mom

    I am not a meat eater, but the corn and potatoes look positively delish. we've been grilling a ton this summer too!

  2. Deborah Scotto

    Looks delicious!