Pig Races ‘N Funnel Cake Dahn The Fayette County Fair*

Achievement: #25. Fayette County Fair

Here in Western Pennsylvania, we are CRAZY about county fairs.

Fayette County Fair
I mean *seriously* crazy about them. Within an hour or two drive from the ‘Burgh, there are at least 4 county fairs each summer. And while those of us who hail from the northern end of town are partial to the Big Butler Fair, this year, we decided to drive an hour south and see what Fayette County had to offer.

Fayette County Fair
Boy, did it offer a lot.

Of rain. A lot of rain.

So, here is our (abbreviated) photo journey to the Fayette County Fair.

Fayette County Fair
Prior to the start of the rain, at that crucial point of every fair where I have to walk through the Games of Skill area and not fight any carnies who are calling my husband names. (Thank you, Gods of County Fairs, for not serving whiskey on the grounds, or I would be much less good at this part.)

Fayette County Fair
I was actually thinking of riding that (if not for the rain). Pro-tip: your admission to the Fayette County Fair gets you onto all the rides for free!

Fayette County Fair
The event I was most anticipating was the pig races. They race pigs thrice nightly at the Fayette County Fair.

Fayette County Fair
Pig races are pretty much the cutest things to ever happen in life.

Fayette County Fair
Such an agile little pig in camo!

Fayette County Fair
After the pig races, it was off to check out the antique tractors. (Pro-tip #2: they are an indoor attraction, perfect for the rain!)

Fayette County Fair
It’s like a real-life Kenny Chesney song.

At this point, the rain was starting to pick up, so we knew it was a critical moment. It was…

Fayette County Fair
Time for funnel cake. Seriously, this is the SECOND TIME I have eaten a funnel cake in the rain this year. Does this happen to anyone else???

Fayette County Fair
With the rain picking up, there was only one thing to do: dash back and forth between the barns and visit all the animals!!

Fayette County Fair
Roxy the adorable cow!

Fayette County Fair
Adorable snuggling cows!

Fayette County Fair
Lambs in pink leopard print!

Fayette County Fair
Lambs in green raincoats!

Fayette County Fair
Goats who are poised and thoughtful!

Fayette County Fair
Cows who *so* don’t want to be walked through the rain to the cow show, even though they just got their fur and hooves done.

Fayette County Fair
Baby cows who misbehaved in unknown ways, leading to their being hooked outside the barn as punishment.

Fayette County Fair
Gigantic draft horses!

Fayette County Fair
Much smaller horses with their little baby horses!

Fayette County Fair
And pigs who are so totally over this county fair shit and just want to go back to their barns and spider friends back home in Masontown.

Fayette County Fair
Finally, the skies cleared enough that we could make our way back through the vendors to our car. The temptation to go above and beyond a regular stromboli and get a SUPERBOLI was strong, but we resisted.

So while it rained, and it was somehow a longer drive than the Big Butler Fair, we had fun at the Fayette County Fair.

Fayette County Fair
And we know if we return, we’ll be welcomed back with open arms.

(The Fayette County Fair runs through Saturday, August 2. There are cool things going on every night, including the pig races! If you’re looking for some weekend plans, go check it out!)

* Really, it’s the Fayette Cahhnny Fair, but it’s way harder for you to Google that.


Filed under #25, #25-14, animals, carnival, county fair, fayette county, funnel cake, funnel cake in the rain

6 Responses to Pig Races ‘N Funnel Cake Dahn The Fayette County Fair*

  1. woubbie

    Nice enunciation of cahhnny.

    An’ yoi, lookit the thigh definition in pitcher 3! Summun’s bin running, no daht.

  2. These pics are beautiful! Even in the rainy weather!

  3. From years of attendance (working in Fayette County helped with that), great nights to go next year: The Clarks night, Demolition Derby and Tractor Pull night.