Category Archives: bingo
Wilmerding Days Redux
Last year’s attempt at attending Wilmerding Days ended in a monsoon-style rainout, but we fared better this year. Take a look at what the event has to offer and then pencil it in for 2017! Continue reading
Filed under #34-16, bingo, carnival, food, funnel cake, funnel cake in the rain, games, street fair, wilmerding
We Seen It In The City Paper: Ohio Township Fireman’s Carnival
If you grew up in the Avonworth Community, then you probably already have an understanding of the importance of a certain event that happens in mid-July each year. And this year, this event has become a big enough deal that … Continue reading
St. Rosalia Church Festival & The Birth of Beaufurb
Last night, we went to our first church bingo! Oh yes, I did just say first, notably as opposed to only, because playing bingo in the basement of the St. Rosalia parish last night reawakened a secret, inner church bingo … Continue reading