Category Archives: bishop peak
Our California Holiday: The Heights Of Bishop Peak
Achievement: #92. Hike Bishop Peak Again
In previous years, we’ve done a bunch of cool things out in California that we then failed to blog about. Hiking Bishop Peak was one of these, so this year, we revisited the towering hike, made sure to get lots of good shots, and actually wrote about the damn thing. Enjoy! Continue reading
Filed under #92, #92-16, bishop peak, california, california 2016, hiking, SLO county
Scaling Bishop Peak
Achievement: #39. Hike a Volcanic Plug
Take a trip with us back to the spring, when we hiked to the top of Bishop Peak, a 1500 foot tall volcanic plug in the Central Coast! Continue reading
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Filed under #39, #39-13, bishop peak, california, central coast, exercise, hiking, morro rock, nature, outside, volcanic plug, west coast