Category Archives: drinking

The End Of The World In Cocktails

Achievement: #65. 4 Theme Drink Nights

So, as I’m sitting here typing to our loyal fans, and not staked out in my basement with a shotgun and a can of zombie-proof roach spray (I presume the repellents necessary for both are related), I’m sure it’s evident … Continue reading


Filed under #65, #65-11, cocktails, drinking, rapture

Dinner And Gender Illusionists At AsiaSF

Achievement: #71. Tranny Dinner at Asia SF

Way back in the day, a friend of mine went to San Francisco and took someone’s random advice on a dinner spot to check out AsiaSF. Despite the odd reaction from the cab driver when she and her friends told … Continue reading

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Filed under #71, #71-11, bar, california, dinner theater, drinking, restaurant, san francisco, trannies, travel

We Return To Timmy Nolan’s

Achievement: #39. Spend an Evening at Timmy Nolan’s

If you’ve read any bit of this blog, or know us in person, you know that we did not exactly get along with Los Angeles. This isn’t to say that our year-and-a-half stint in California was a total bust, of … Continue reading

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Filed under #39, #39-11, bar, bar food, california, drinking

Our Year In Overindulgence: The Pittsburgh Whiskey And Fine Spirits Festival

Achievement: #100. Overindulge on wings, vodka, seafood, and cupcakes (but not at the same time)

Although we aren’t quite the liquor drinkers we were in college (I admit, we’ve made the full conversion to yuppies in our wine-snobbery), we couldn’t pass up a deal like the one that Groupon offered for the Pittsburgh Whiskey and … Continue reading

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Filed under #100, #100-10, drinking

To Coffee & Cosmos!

Achievement: #27. Have a lovely Pittsburgh St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day has always been an important holiday to my husband and me. We’re both Irish, but that has less to do with it than the fact that we love a long, drawn-out bar crawl that lasts twelve hours. … Continue reading

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Filed under #27, #27-10, drinking, holiday